Man consults on the phone while working on the computer

Organizations of all sizes and in all industries are targets of ransomware attacks—and the number is skyrocketing. Ransomware attacks can not only cause significant direct and indirect costs to the organization, they degrade productivity and can cause irreparable reputational damage.

By implementing proactive controls, organizations can minimize the chance of falling victim to a ransomware attack. Our guide explores these eight leading cybersecurity practices, with critical steps to take and tips to incorporate into your approach:

  1. Know your environment
  2. Keep your data backups safe
  3. Implement a patch management program
  4. Build a security-aware culture
  5. Assess control and authentication
  6. Monitor, detect and respond
  7. Implement a ransomware recovery strategy
  8. Consider ransomware insurance
Capitol building reflection at sunrise
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