Marketing and sales team members discuss service while walking down stairs

Sales, Marketing & Service

Customers have more choices, seem to be less loyal and at times are only concerned with price and availability. Just working harder doesn't generate the kind of growth that it may have in the past


Achieving and sustaining organic growth requires an organization to regularly reevaluate the sales, marketing and service functions by asking key questions like:

  • What markets should we sell into?
  • What products and services should we offer?
  • What kind of customer experience should we deliver to help us stand out?
  • How do we get more out of our sales organization?
  • How do we leverage technology to help us drive more business?
  • How do marketing and sales work better together?
  • How do we support our customers throughout their relationship with us?
  • How do we improve our ability to innovate around the right things?

Effective sales, marketing and service functions are rooted in a well-defined customer experience and go-to-market strategy that is embraced by an organization’s sales professionals. Baker Tilly helps your organization transform these functions to meet your customers’ service demands.

It takes more than just performing market research to answer the fundamental question of “where to play” and “how to win” as you evaluate new markets.

Baker Tilly analyzes market attractiveness before defining which specific needs of the market can be converted into value propositions. We make sure that your market choices are well informed by aligning your focus, resources and offerings so you are in the best position to achieve growth. We convert research into action by developing roadmaps with specific activities for go-to-market teams to execute against to help you win in your chosen markets.

Today’s buyer expects a customized experience. Selecting the right tools and aligning the right processes to deliver “the right messages, at the right time, to the right audience” is imperative in delivering to their expectations.

Baker Tilly consultants work with you to improve the impact and value of your marketing efforts to increase customer engagement and drive revenues. We create a path forward to support your goals by aligning marketing technology and cross-functional processes. Streamlining marketing program execution enables you to deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Maximizing the effectiveness of the sales organization is the most direct and significant opportunity for growth for many companies. But understanding where to focus your investment is easier said than done.

Baker Tilly works with you to design a sales process and set of enabling tools that are focused on increasing customer engagement while streamlining key processes, allowing your sales team to focus on selling. We have expertise in implementing sales enabling tools that add value to the sales process and provide critical metrics to help coach your team through your key “moments of truth” with customers.

Creating positive service experiences is the best way to build customer loyalty and create brand evangelists. Baker Tilly helps companies improve the effectiveness of their service organizations by evaluating them across the four dimensions of service effectiveness: service strategy, service enablement, service execution and performance management.

Despite significant investments made in marketing and sales technology tools, many organizations are not achieving the results they expected. While these tools can certainly help an organization succeed, the process of selecting the right tools and the right timing to implement them can be overwhelming.

Baker Tilly’s technology consultants help organizations navigate the complexities by breaking down the technology landscape into basic foundational needs to prioritize and plan for proper execution. A calculated strategy first determines the objectives of your technology program and identifies the strengths you have before filling in the technology gaps to uses these technologies in the right order.

Baker Tilly also helps companies evaluate and assess their call center and service center technology across the four dimensions of service. By leveraging modern call center and service center technologies and implementing business processes integrated around the customer, your organization can achieve alignment across all pre- and post-sales functions to enhance customer loyalty.