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Customer Experience

Create intentional, positive customer experiences that deliver market differentiation and premium pricing permission

In today's economy, where commoditization of products and services is accelerating, the path to growth is rooted solely in innovation. Product innovation is an easier concept for organizations to get their minds wrapped around, but the customer experience you create is just as important.

    Customer experience is an investment, not just a buzzword

    Customer expectations are higher than ever when it comes to their experience with your organization or company. Without the right processes to identify issues or opportunities, efforts to enhance the customer journey are often just good guesses. Baker Tilly can help improve your customer’s journey to consistently deliver delight.

    Customer experience innovation

    Customer experience innovation is about being proactive – knowing and understanding your customer’s goals and objectives, how they are feeling and how you can create the best outcome for them at each step of interaction.

    Our customer experience innovation process is driven by product innovation principles, backed by research and implemented with proven tools. We collaborate with our clients to help them understand the full customer experience, identify where there are issues, develop innovative ways to reduce effort and friction, test innovations with customers, create plans to integrate innovations and monitor those innovations over time. Customer experience innovation involves constant improvement and monitoring for innovative ways to solve your customer’s problems in an affordable, efficient manner to create long-lasting customer delight.

    Customer experience management

    Customer experience management is a practice that evaluates a customer’s experience, and the technology behind it, in real time. It is key in building brand presence, increasing revenues and improving customer loyalty.

    While every touchpoint and interaction a customer has with your brand may be well documented, many organizations lack a strategy or support structure to manage and constantly monitor customer’s experiences. Baker Tilly’s customer experience management offering focuses on helping companies build the disciplines, organizational mindset, day-to-day process and supporting technologies to actively manage the experiences they create when engaging with customers. Shifting from customer experience (CX) to customer experience management will provide you not only with strategies and insight to understand events as they occur, but also the tools to monitor the experience over time.

    Our customer experience management assessment framework quickly applies a maturity framework across 26 discrete customer experience management capabilities, quickly identifying wins and longer-term opportunities without spending months away from your day-to-day business.

    Answers to the customer experience questions everyone is asking

    We help organizations navigate the complexity of the ever-changing customer experience through our design, test and measurement process.

    Customer experience ecosystem

    We work with your leadership teams and front-line employees to create a comprehensive view of your existing experience ecosystem; identify hurdles you will need to overcome to deliver the desired experience and create a visual learning tool to educate all levels of employees in the organization.

    Organizational alignment and governance

    Before making investments in your customer experience function, organizations must be aligned, especially across the leadership team, and a well-designed governance model must be in place to sustain your efforts. We’ll lead you through workshops to explore the topic and document your decisions.

    Customer experience strategy

    We’ll work with you on engaging with your customers to understand where the opportunity to compete on customer experience and drive organic growth truly exists. We’ll also help identify what the long-term strategy needs to be to support this effort.

    Customer research and journey mapping

    Too often, organizations develop journey maps that are not actionable and end up on a bookshelf. We engage with your team and your customers to understand the specific interactions they have across the entire buying and service journey, as well as the emotional connection they feel at each interaction. From this, your customer journey map becomes an input into innovation workshops that explore how to eliminate current pain points and increase customer loyalty.

    Experience innovation and testing

    Delivered via facilitated workshops and quantitative research analysis, our proven innovation and testing methodology assists your team to generate innovative new experiences. Each existing and potential interaction is categorized based on its overall experience value to customers. This proven methodology allows for experiences to be tested in the market and validated before investments are made in people, process and technology.

    Customer experience deployment

    Change is difficult, especially when it is being focused on front-line sales, marketing and service organizations that interact daily with customers. We understand this complexity and work with your team to develop a detailed road map that indicates where, when and how you will execute customer experience initiatives to drive meaningful changes in your organization. We also wrap a sophisticated change management, communications and training program around the effort to ensure that the changes are adopted and sustained.