Baker Tilly Capital 2018 midyear review

Baker Tilly Capital, LLC provided mergers and acquisitions, financial advisory and incentives advisory solutions to a variety of clients during the last half of 2017 and first half of 2018. Working closely with clients throughout the manufacturing, distribution, healthcare, transportation, financial and professional services, real estate, retail and food and beverage industries, our specialized investment bankers were successful in cultivating relationships into successful transactions for our clients.

From June 2017 through May 2018, our mergers and acquisition team advised clients on more than 30 engagements, and the team currently has more than 17 engagements at various stages. Our incentives advisory team was very active, closing 75 deals representing approximately $519.4 million of allocated tax credit incentives into our clients’ projects.

Select Transactions

Mergers and acquisitions

Incentives advisory

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For more information on these transactions, or to learn how Baker Tilly Capital specialists can help with your investment banking needs, contact our team.

About Baker Tilly Capital, LLC

Baker Tilly Capital is a boutique investment bank specializing in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), capital sourcing, project finance and corporate finance advisory services. Baker Tilly Capital has access to strategic and financial buyers / sellers / capital sources in the U.S. and globally through the Baker Tilly Corporate Finance international network.

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