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Webinar | on-demand

Navigating the first 100 days post-acquisition

Middle market insight webinar hosted by The Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) 

An acquisition is a meticulously planned event before closing the deal. A quality of earnings is often obtained, and significant analysis is conducted. However, the true challenge arises once the deal is closed. Many companies find themselves unprepared or understaffed to handle the pressures and challenges of the post-acquisition 100-day period.  

In this webinar, presenters explore strategies to employ during those crucial first 100 days, as well as actions to take before closing, ensuring that your acquisition sets off on a path to success. 

Key takeaways include:

  • Understand how to properly plan for an acquisition
  • Gain insights into the post-acquisition timeline
  • Identify key focus areas immediately after an acquisition
  • Recognize potential risks in advance and develop mitigation strategies

This webinar is intended for: Private equity, corporate executives, board members, investment banking, financial institutions and others who want to learn more about data strategy.

Jennifer A. Finger
Alison Powers
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