Consultants review software development code

Getting the full picture: software, process and compliance webinar series

A new implementation, upgrade or system redesign of Deltek Costpoint cannot be taken lightly. Each initiative on its own is unique and challenging with various activities that need to be planned, coordinated and ultimately completed to achieve success.  

Watch Baker Tilly's Noah Leiden and Deltek’s Wolf Theirs three-part on-demand webinar series addressing common implementation and compliance issues/challenges every organization should consider, address and balance as a part of implementation, upgrade or change to the organizational structure and cost accounting practices.  

Starting off on the right foot 

Part one focuses on the importance of starting off on the right foot, addressing pre-acquisition, planning, requirements gathering and coordination between stakeholders. After watching, you will be able to recognize the need to define stakeholders, the level of involvement and compliance challenges to address in order to achieve the desired “end-state” vision.  

Design and the PMO

Part two focuses on the critical aspects of proper design and configuration to achieve system and compliance success. After watching, you will understand how to align compliance with business process change and gain an understanding of how the establishment of a strong and knowledgeable PMO plays a critical role in success.   

Build, test and prepare the organization 

Part three focuses on how to prepare for change management, compliance and related DCAA audits. After watching, you will understand how change management during build and testing phases leads to a successful roll out and how to utilize the time to assess and prepare policies, procedures and controls for compliance and DCAA business system audits. 

For more information or to learn how Baker Tilly specialists can help, reach out to your Baker Tilly professional or contact our team.

Noah Leiden
Team high fiving
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Not-for-profit virtual fiscal workshop 2022