Group of students talking on a university campus

Conducting a student mental health and well-being risk assessment

Baker Tilly recently hosted a webinar with the Association of College & University Auditors (ACUA) for higher education audit, internal audit and risk professionals on student wellness risk assessments.

Student wellness is an increasingly prevalent risk area facing higher education. Given the inherent risks and challenges associated with student mental health and well-being, in addition to its impacts on student success and retention, it can be difficult to know where to focus limited internal audit resources in this area. Conducting a student wellness-specific risk assessment can allow internal audit to highlight the current state of risks and internal controls, as well as identify potential future audit areas.

Learn how to plan and scope a student wellness risk assessment at your institution. In this session, we discuss potential risk assessment objectives to inform your scope and approach, as well as identify potential risk areas and factors to keep in mind during the audit planning process. Additionally, discover how to draft an audit work plan and other key templates, such as sample document request list, interview list and interview questions, to leverage when performing a student wellness risk assessment. You will also learn about creating a student wellness risk map, categorizing areas based on level of risk (e.g., high versus moderate) and definition of controls (e.g., more versus less defined) to inform immediate and longer-term potential audit and advisory areas.

Key takeaways

After viewing this webinar, you will be able to:‎

  • Discuss how to plan and scope a student wellness risk assessment
  • Identify potential student wellness related risk areas for focus
  • Develop key templates and tools, such as audit work plan and interview guide, to use throughout a student wellness risk assessment

Presenters and Baker Tilly's higher education risk specialists

  • Colleen Lewis, Senior Manager
  • Tiffany Krause, CPA, Manager
  • Jennifer Romano, CIA, Manager

For more information, or to learn how Baker Tilly's higher education specialists can help your institution with a student wellness risk assessment, contact our team.

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