Our client’s need

A Fortune 500 company retained Baker Tilly to prepare a GSA schedule option extension package. Our services included a historical pricing analysis, preparation of a CSP-1 and other pricing disclosures, and negotiation assistance for key contract terms and conditions. Several years later, as the company was undergoing a GSA OIG pre-award audit associated with the option exercise of its GSA Schedule contract, a whistleblower made allegations about the company’s pricing and compliance obligations.

Baker Tilly solution

Baker Tilly helped the company navigate the OIG audit, and assisted outside counsel as they responded to the whistleblowers allegations, relying on the historical pricing analysis and CSP-1 disclosures from several years earlier to support the company’s pricing, to demonstrate compliance with key contract terms and conditions, and to refute audit findings and debunk the whistleblower’s accusations.

Results achieved

The result was not common in the government contracting world: The Department of Justice refused to intervene, and ultimately the whistleblower dropped all claims. A short time later, the OIG completed its audit and the company successfully negotiated the contract’s next option period.

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly government contractor specialists can help, contact our team.

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