Customer carrying shopping bags
Case Study

Buy-side advisory services for acquisition of consumer products company

Customer carrying shopping bags
Case Study

Buy-side advisory services for acquisition of consumer products company

Our client’s need

Our client, Tom Walzer, was facing a competitive bidding situation in his purchase of a confectionary consumer products company which invents, designs, packages, and sells its products through various retail channels across the United States. Tom needed an experienced acquisitions advisor to help position him to win while protecting his interests.

Baker Tilly solution

As an existing tax client, Tom knew the Baker Tilly team also had the experience and technical knowledge necessary to help him effectively compete for the acquisition. Tom engaged Baker Tilly for a number of transaction advisory services, including:

  • Valuation
  • Tax structuring
  • Due diligence
  • Inventory cost testing
  • Debt sourcing
  • Negotiation assistance
  • Document review

Results achieved

As a result of the due diligence procedures performed by Baker Tilly, Tom was able to better understand the risks and opportunities the company provided and was able to make adjustments to the structure to protect his interests.  Combining deep tax knowledge and deal making experience, we assisted Tom in structuring a tax-advantageous offer which provided more after tax proceeds to the seller as compared to other higher priced bids for the company.  This structure allowed Tom to acquire the company in a competitive bidding situation. 

For more information on this deal, or to learn how Baker Tilly Capital specialists can help, contact our team.

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