Lia Hartono

Lia Hartono



+1 (650) 365 4646

Lia Hartono is a director with Baker Tilly’s tax practice. She has more than 10 years of experience providing tax planning, compliance and consulting services to companies and high-net-worth individuals and families. She works extensively with privately held businesses, partnerships and pass-through entities.

  • Industry expertise with private and public companies in technology, medical devices, retail, financial services and manufacturing sectors
  • Business tax planning and compliance for closely held domestic and foreign corporations
  • Tax compliance and planning for corporations and partnerships
  • Inbound transactions for foreign corporations
  • Foreign transactions and reporting for domestic clients
  • Accounting for income tax provisions (ASC 740)
  • Multistate taxation (income and sales and use tax nexus)
  • Client representations in IRS and states matters
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • California Society of Certified Public Accountants (CalCPA)


Redwood City, CA


Master of taxation

Golden Gate University

Bachelor degree in finance

California State University, Sacramento
